
vtiger.filter.listview.orderby OR vtiger.filter.listview.<strtolower($moduleName)>.orderby Can be used to manipulate the order of ListView Returns: array($orderBy, $sortOrder) Parameters: ParameterDescriptionarray( $orderBy, $sortOrder )The existing Order information$queryGeneratorThe current Query Generator Object$pagingModelThe current PagingModel$listviewModelThe current ListViewModel

[filter] vtiger.filter.process.before

vtiger.filter.process.<strtolower($module.’.’.$componentName.”.”.$componentType)>.before vtiger.filter.process.<strtolower($componentName.”.”.$componentType)>.before vtiger.filter.process.<strtolower($module.’.’.$componentName.”.”.$componentType)>.after vtiger.filter.process.<strtolower($componentName.”.”.$componentType)>.after Returns: array($handler, $request) Parameter: array($handler, $request) $handler = Current Handler Object (Action / View) $request = current Vtiger_Request object

Fields configurations

During our work on the Module Designer, we must document every aspect of vTigerCRM Field handling. This should be public on this page. Displaytypes DisplaytypeShow in DetailviewShow in EditviewShow in ListView1YesYesYes2YesNoYes3NoNoYes4PasswordsPasswordsPasswords5Special Inventory FieldSpecial Inventory FieldSpecial Inventory Field6TagsTagsTags Generated Type The generatedtype has no impact in VtigerCRM visibility. If set to 1 this is a field…

EventHandler Module

To get a better way to implement enhanced functions into the VtigerCRM, we created a free Event Handling module you could use to get a safe way to extend VtigerCRM. If you install this module, you will not get any problems, because itself does absolutely nothing. The task of this module is only to provide…

SMTP Server Konfiguration

From time to time we got request about the configuration of major mailprovider within the SMTP Server of VtigerCRM. If you would use another Mailserver and cannot get the configuration be stored, please read this page about vtiger debugging, how to recognize the SMTP error in detail. We created and ongoing extend the following overview:…