Add custom Template field shortcuts

It is easily possible to add your own shortcuts, which could be used within every template field. Create a file <customname>.inc.php in the folder modules/Workflow2/extends/shortfunctions/ This files don’t must follow any structure, but we would recommend, to bundle your functions within a class to prevent duplicate function names. We recommend the following structure: [prism field=field1…

How to implement an own Inventory Loader?

If you want to implement your own Inventory Loader to, for example, add Products from something inside your module? That’s easy! Create a file <customname>.inc.php in the folder modules/Workflow2/extends/inventoryloader/ This file must have the following structure: [prism field=file language=php] LOADERKEYinternal key of your loader to be able to register multiple loaderLOADERLABELVisible Label of Inventory LoaderLOADERCONFIGConfig,…

How to add custom fileactions

If you want to create a new action, what to do with files, generated by blocks, you could use this interface. Existing examples of this interface is the directly download, store in Filestore, … Add a file in /modules/Workflow2/extends/fileactions/ with the filename “<individual>.inc.php” This file must contain a class which extends from WorkflowFileAction. This class…