
Environment Variables A storage, which is permanent during a single execution of a workflow and it’s sub workflows. Storage can be accessed through $env[“…”] array. After workflow execution is finished, the values will be cleared. Product Collection A collection of single Items (Product/Services) from different inventory records.

Scheduled Workflows

This feature allows you to regularly execute workflows. It needs at least PHP 5.3 on your server! You could execute your Workflows with recurring intervals, for example every day at 6 and 16 o’clock. You found the Workflow Planer in the left sidebar of your main Workflow configuration page. The Button “new Entry” will create a…

Task Updates

On this page you will see, which tasks are updated and could open Task Change logs. 2017-01-19 exist related record – Version 8 2016-12-22 send Mail – Version 34 frontend confirmation box – Version 1 frontend actions – Version 2 2016-12-19 send Mail – Version 33 2016-12-06 Updates CloudFile Upload File – Version 9 CloudFile…

Global Task Options

Starting with Version 600.1601 you could open a “global Task Options” field within every task configuration. Configurations in this block are applied for this single block and will modify the behavior of the blocks. Here you have a list and description of these configurations, currently available: Use/Output currencies formated, instead of full precision This option enable a…

Frontend Workflows

Since Version 600.1601 workflows could also be executed live during you Create / Edit a record. General Default Workflows are executed in background and started by an configured trigger. This allows powerful setups, but miss the situation you need to do a workflow, before user do something. Currently you cannot directly interact with the user to…