
Environment Variables A storage, which is permanent during a single execution of a workflow and it’s sub workflows. Storage can be accessed through $env[“…”] array. After workflow execution is finished, the values will be cleared. Product Collection A collection of single Items (Product/Services) from different inventory records.

Add custom Template field shortcuts

It is easily possible to add your own shortcuts, which could be used within every template field. Create a file <customname>.inc.php in the folder modules/Workflow2/extends/shortfunctions/ This files don’t must follow any structure, but we would recommend, to bundle your functions within a class to prevent duplicate function names. We recommend the following structure: [prism field=field1…

SMTP Server Konfiguration

From time to time we got request about the configuration of major mailprovider within the SMTP Server of VtigerCRM. If you would use another Mailserver and cannot get the configuration be stored, please read this page about vtiger debugging, how to recognize the SMTP error in detail. We created and ongoing extend the following overview:…


Dieses Modul bringt die Funktion in das VtigerCRM Gutscheincodes zu verwalten. Die Verwendung ist so einfach wie nur möglich gehalten und die Einberechnung erfolgt über das Standard “Rabattfeld” in den Modulen. Damit wird gleichzeitig verhindert, dass eine Buchung doppelt rabattiert wird. Sie haben natürlich auch weiterhin flexibel die Möglichkeit Rabatte anzugeben, ohne die Gutscheinfunktion zu…